Railway Infrastructure

Creating 6,500 jobs, the $1.65 billion project building the largest expansion of Perth’s rail Network in more than 16 years is complete.
December 9, 2024
Residents in Perth’s north-east now have access to affordable, high-quality public transport with the official opening of the METRONET Ellenbrook Line. This marks the largest expansion of Perth’s rail network in more than 16 years. Originally promised in 2008, the Ellenbrook Line faced significant delays under previous governments. After coming to power in 2017, the WA Labor Government prioritized the project, beginning construction in 2021. The $1.65 billion project has supported the creation of approximately 6,500 jobs, including roles for apprentices, graduates, and Aboriginal workers. Key construction milestones included: Building new bridges and underpasses. Tunneling under Tonkin Highway. Constructing a …

$1.6 billion contract awarded to the AD Alliance to future proof Perth’s public transport network.
July 23, 2024
[Feature image: From left to right: Simon Bradbury, Chief Officer Strategy and Growth at DT Infrastructure; Hon. Rita Saffioti MLA, Deputy Premier and Minister for Transport; Zaneta Mascarenhas MP, Federal Member for Swan; and Pascal Dupond, Managing Director at Alstom Infrastructure Pty Ltd.] The public transport system of Perth is set to receive substantial technology and infrastructure improvements, facilitating increased train frequency. The AD Alliance, a collaboration between Alstom and DT Infrastructure Pty Ltd, has secured a $1.6 billion contract to spearhead the METRONET High Capacity Signalling Project. The METRONET program, which represents a record investment, will benefit greatly from this project, with …
Western Australia’s Government shortlists proponents for High-Capacity Signalling system for the Perth urban rail network.
August 31, 2023
With Western Australia’s goal to upgrade its rail network, the government has shortlisted two proponents: Alstom Transport Australia & Downer EDI Works (ADJV) Siemens Mobility , Siemens Mobility GmbH and Wabtec Contril Systems (SafePerth) These proponents are to design, supply, build and maintain a High-Capacity Signalling (HCS) system for the Public Transport Authority. The HCS project aims to create a more modern, integrated, communications-based train control system, replacing the aging urban rail network control system in Perth. The new system will play a vital role in facilitating the substantial growth of passenger rail services as part of the State Government’s …

$6 billion allocated to WA’s METRONET program
May 18, 2022
Western Australia’s METRONET program of works will continue delivering projects that will transform Perth as well as support and create jobs as the State Government allocates $6 billion through 2022-23 State Budget. This significant funding injection will progress different METRONET projects over the next four years, including new projects such as the Morrison Road Level Crossing Removal in Midland and the Canning Bridge Bus Interchange. Key milestones for METRONET in 2022-23 include: About 20,000 passenger trips per day when the Forrestfield-Airport Link is completed, providing quick and easy access to Perth Airport and the eastern suburbs The first C-series train …

Work starts on Metronet’s Ellenbrook train station in Western Australia
February 7, 2022
The proposed Ellenbrook train station on the Metronet Morley-Ellenbrook Line has kicked-off. The first stage of the project includes bulk earthworks, in-ground services and station footings installation, structural works, facades and interior. The new Ellenbrook Station, which is in the heart of the town center, aims to offer quick and easy transport services to over 46,000 residents in and around the suburb, which will reduce the public transport travel time by fifty percent. The Ellenbrook train station is one of the five stations planned to be built as part of the Morley-Ellenbrook Line. The Other four stations include Whiteman Park, …

Preferred Proponents Announced For Two Major METRONET Projects
December 21, 2021
A key milestone has been reached on two major METRONET projects, with preferred proponents announced to design and build the Byford Rail Extension and Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal projects. The Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal project will see the Armadale Line Upgrade Alliance (ALUA comprising Acciona Construction Australia Pty Ltd, BMD Constructions Pty Ltd, WSP Australia Pty Ltd and AECOM Australia Pty Ltd) work to remove level crossings along the Armadale Line at Mint Street, Oats Street, Welshpool Road, Hamilton Street and Wharf Street and replace them with elevated rail. New elevated stations will be built at Carlisle, Oats …

Sod Turned on METRONET’s Lakelands Station
November 8, 2021
Alongside the transport local ministers and ADCO’s WA State Manager James Prattent, Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan has helped turn first sod on WA’s METRONET Lakelands Station to celebrate the commencement of construction. The Lakelands Station will be built seven kilometres north of Mandurah Station and will service the growing suburbs of Lakelands, Madora Bay, Meadow Springs and surrounding areas. The design of the station is inspired by local natural features like the wetlands, Serpentine River, Yalbanberup Pool and Paganoni Lake. Construction teams will build a new station, including an entry building with a pedestrian overpass connecting the train platforms, …