ECi Executive is your Technical & Professional Search Partner specialising in the Engineering, Construction & Infrastructure sectors.



    ECi Executive is your Technical & Professional Search Partner specialising in the Engineering, Construction & Infrastructure sectors.



Your next role could be just a click away. Make the move that may define your career! Apply Today.


Research the Company and Interviewers

Spend a few hours learning everything you can about the company from as many sources. Talk to friends and contacts, read current news releases and spend some time on Google and LinkedIn. By doing so you will get the bigger picture about the company and its position in the market. Areas to focus on:

  • Overview of the company business
  • Information on the company’s projects and services
  • Recent events and news about the company
  • Learn about the people you will be meeting

Attire and Preparation

  • If possible the night before the interview or a few days before, drive the route to the location or map out your route to get there – don’t be late, it is a bad start to any interview and you will be flustered!!
  • For companies that have a business or smart casual dress code keep your look basic and conservative for the first interview. If you have a contact who works at the company you are interviewing for get the heads up or really just ask your consultant.
  • Regardless of your dress code make sure you are well presented, looking your best helps you feel confident and confidence is key to landing that role.
  • Print out two copies of your resume. Most recruiters will provide the company with your resume but have a back-up just in case someone joins the interview. If you have qualifications, achievements, a portfolio etc. we recommend you bring them along – it can be the difference between you and the next person!

The Interview and things to Remember

  • When you walk into the office, wait to be asked to take a seat before you sit.
  • Body language; sit squarely facing the interviewer, maintain good eye contact, don’t distract the interviewer by taking too many notes during the interview.
  • Ask for a business card from each person that you interview with and maintain high energy for each interviewer.
  • If they offer you a restroom break or a cup of water, take it, show you are comfortable!
  • Speak with passion and enthusiasm about your role and industry!

Selling your Skills

  • You must communicate your most relevant skills and experiences. To do this you must first understand what the interviewer believes are the most important and relevant technical skills and personal attributes for them to consider you a strong candidate.
  • Prepare specific examples of your work experience both good and bad, major achievements and demonstrate your personal skills which will help to explain and support what you have to say. It’s important and powerful to prove what you’ve done and are capable of doing through real world examples.
  • Don’t be too aggressive and jump right into the interview trying to get the interviewer to share/reveal their company or project information. You are the interviewee, let them set the pace and structure of the interview. An interview is a two-way process but you still need it to flow naturally and keep your composure.

Prepare several thought-out Questions for the Interviewers

  • Many employers feel confident about candidates who ask solid questions about the company and the future of the role. You should take time before the interview to prepare several questions for your interviewer that shows you’ve researched the company and are well-versed about the position.

Avoid any negative talk about your Employer, Manager or Supervisor

  • Explain why you are looking to move to a new company/position in terms of why this will help you advance your skills and career and contribute more to your new employer.
  • Be prepared to answer questions about why you left your previous positions and why you accepted your previous positions.
  • A great quote for life not just for an interview - Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people!

After the Interview

  • You must PROMPTLY send a thank you email to each person you interviewed with hence why you asked them for their business cards. Offer to answer any further questions they may have or provide any supplementary information.
  • If you have provided them with any recommendations, industry information or contacts at the interview – make sure to follow up or reaffirm that information over email – it highlights some of the value you can bring to the table!
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